After the humongous achievement of her last film ‘Padmaavat’, Bollywood performer Deepika Padukone is good to go to depict one more solid character onscreen. The on-screen character will next be seen in ‘Raazi’ popularity Megha Gulzar’s next directorial titled ‘Chhapaak’ which is the biopic of acid assault survivor Laxmi Agarwal. Including on-screen character Vikrant Massey inverse Deepika, ‘Chhapaak’ won’t simply have the ‘Bajirao Mastani’ performer acting in it, yet she will likewise be creating the film. ‘Chhapaak’ is set to go on floors today (25th March) in Delhi and Deepika’s first look from the much-anticipated film is out at this point.
Deepika’s first look from ‘Chhapaak’ highlights her as a acid assault survivor. Deepika took to internet-based life and posted her first look and furthermore uncovered her character’s name (Malti) and film’s discharge date. She expressed, “A character that will remain with me forever…#Malti… Shoot starts today!#Chhapaak… Discharging 10th January 2020.
For the uninitiated, Laxmi was 15 when the assault happened, which was at a New Delhi transport stop in 2005. Her aggressor, a 32-year elderly person, was an associate of her family. Afterward, she took up the activity of helping acid assault survivors and elevated crusades to stop such assaults. Agarwal is an outstanding promoter of stricter disciplines in acid assault cases.
Through Laxmi’s story, the film makes an endeavor to comprehend the on-ground outcomes of enduring an acid assault in India.
While the film exhibits her adventure in the time after her assault spreading over 10 years, a critical piece of the story is the diversion changing PIL in the Supreme Court which roused the revision on acid laws in 2013.
Returning to ‘Chhapaak’, the film will hit the Cinemas on 10th January 2020.
Deepika Padukone’s First Look As Acid Assault Survivor From ‘Chhapaak’ Is OUT!
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